ARIS leading the future of smart wearables – CNA “What’s The Big Deal?”
CNA, 26 Dec 2022.
ARIS leading the future of smart wearables – CNA “What’s The Big Deal?”
In this episode of What’s The Big Deal, the host, Rishi, sets out to explore the ethics and politics that could shape how technologies will fit into our lives. This includes 3D-printing, tech wearables and AI.
Dr Yeo Joo Chuan, CEO and co-founder of Microtube Technologies explains the use of its proprietary microfibers that can be sown into any fabric to accurately gather data. The data shown will reflect not only how the body moves, it will also showcase how the muscles move during specific movements.
Microtube Technologies came up with a prototype called the ARIS band which can track your strength training. The ARIS band is capable of providing accurate and real-time muscle data analytics to improve training standards. More than 15 muscle data metrics are being analyzed by the machine learning algorithm in real-time to provide constructive recommendations on how to improve the user’s form.
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