Featured in CES 2024: Insane Wearable Tech by Joshua Chang
Tech content creator Joshua Chang features Microtube Technologies’ HEXR glove as part of his CES 2024: Insane Wearable Tech video.
Watch it here!
Lianhe Zaobao, 10 Jan 2024. ASME带领本地公司赴美参加国际消费电子展 新加坡中小企业商会(ASME)将带领本地10家起步公司和三家成熟消费科技公司,到美国参加2024年国际消费电子展(CES 2024)。 ASME的文告说,这些公司将在CES的尤里卡公园展区的新加坡展馆,展示它们的新发明,其中一些是获得新加坡企业发展局支持和获得奖项的创新产品。 2024年国际消费电子展是备受追捧的贸易展,云集消费技术领域的公司,涵盖硬件、内容和技术交付系统的制造商、开发商和供应商。在展会上,新加坡公司通过与全球起步公司互动,进行学习与合作。 今年的国际消费电子展从1月9日至12日,在美国拉斯维加斯会议中心举行。 在CES展会上,一些新加坡起步公司,包括Gyro Gear,将重点展示它们的创新如何对社会产生积极影响。Gyro Gear最近推出了Gyroglove,这是一种抗震陀螺仪矫形手套,利用陀螺仪稳定性来抵消手部震颤。它旨在帮助患有帕金森病和特发性震颤的患者克服经常使人衰弱的震颤,使他们能够重新获得对双手的控制。Gyro Gear是SLINGSHOT 2020的行业获奖者,获得“起新—先锋”计划(Startup SG Founder)的资助,支持公司的扩张计划。 其他参与者还包括Trilogy Tech和Microtube。Trilogy Tech将推出一款无创的连续血糖监测(CGM)血氧计,使人们能够测量血糖、心率、尿酸水平、总胆固醇和氧饱和度水平,而无需传统的有创CGM方法。 Microtube则正在努力让社会能够体验虚拟物体。它们将展示HaptGlove,这是一款轻巧的触觉手套,为用户在与虚拟对象互动时提供皮肤般的触感和运动感。这项新发明可以在与元宇宙的物体互动时,传达触摸和抓握的感觉。 Read the article here.
THE STRAITS TIMES, 23 JAN 2023. NUS develops haptic gloves that convey touch and grip for more lifelike virtual simulations Developers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have created a pair of haptic gloves that will soon be used for medical training in virtual reality (VR), to bring the metaverse experience closer…
THE STRAITS TIMES, 20 AUG 2020. NUS team working on smart glove At a work meeting, you flex your index finger in a horizontal direction to change a presentation slide to the next one on a screen metres away without using a keyboard or a remote clicker and you rotate your wrist to…
CHANNEL NEWS ASIA, 18 MAY 2021. As the 2013 world champion in Street Fighter, Xian feels there are opportunities for gamers to upskill their talent for the global market. The professional eSports gamer tries on the Infinity Glove, developed by NUS researchers and explores its potential to help in his training. Click Here For More!
TheEDGE, 2 Nov 2023. How tech can aid people with muscular dystrophy Microtube Technologies in collaboration with NUS is working to develop FUNction Device to provide an assistive human-machine interface that enables patients with muscular dystrophy to continue using their smartphone and tablet even in advanced stages of their illness. Read more…
Trisha Hershberger, a TV/online host especially in the gaming and tech industry tried her hands on Microtube Technologies’ HEXR Glove light and untethered haptic glove. Watch her review here.
Revolutionizing human-digital interfaces with innovative wearables to transform business solutions
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